
Monday, December 3, 2012

Bike Mount for Camera Arrived!

Sorry for not updating this past weekend! The days have been getting a little more busy, but I promise I'll back log soon! I just wanted to give an update on some bike stuff I got.

I went to Don Quijote again and bought another set of UV arm sleeves since I've been riding at least twice a week close to noon. The first one has been working well, so I decided to buy the same kind. Even the same color!

The title of this entry is not UV arm sleeves though, so YESSS I finally got a camera bike mount!

The Pedco UltraClamp Assembly was rated pretty high on Amazon, but from the looks of the almost flat clamping bar, it seems that it would easily fall off after hitting a small bump. I'll use my old Lumix ZS3 this weekend and update with a review next week. We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!

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