
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Went out in the VOG

I almost didn't go out today because the clouds were so rainy looking. Turns out, it was just some heavy VOG, which is like smog, but from the volcano. I might have just lost some life from huffing and puffing all that stuff for an hour.

Strava Stats

Distance: 9.2 mi
Elevation Gain: 42 ft
Moving Time: 0:43:47
Max Speed: 36.4 mi/hr
Avg Speed: 12.6 mi/hr
Calories: 260

Today was actually suppose to start of as a purposeful trip, but things didn't come together too well. I was going to pull an asian grandpa/grandma and load 4 bags of recyclables on my bike to make some cash. lol It was finally a perfect time to use my bike rack! I tried mounting it though, and the arms ended up being too short (an inch or two). I should have just gotten the extenders from Amazon instead of looking for the sold-out-everywhere arms that came with the original kit. Oh well. Had to use the car (booo).

I got out super late (past noon) and I needed to book it if I wanted to pick Michelle up from work on time. Waikiki was pretty full even though the skies looked so ugly. I seriously felt like I was back in California.

I got to do the usual "To The Fountain" Strava segment where I got a PR (1:56), and decided to do the lane on the other side, which happened to be "Fountain to Shell". Duly noted. Might ride that a few more times since it has a dedicated bike lane, instead of swinging over to Paki Avenue.

I didn't bring my fake Camelbak thing because I felt like I did pretty well yesterday, so I stopped by the drinking fountains along the beach before heading back. Everyone looked like they were nice and relaxed under the voggy sun DURING DECEMBER! Maybe I'll come out one day.

I felt pretty good about the ride so far, so I headed over to the Ala Wai Mash to try my luck with the stop lights. My legs are starting to feel less tired along these long stretches. It feels so great! I remember just last month or so ago, my legs would be complaining already not even 1/4 of the way out. I ended up getting another PR (4:16) whoo hoo!

I took the rest of the ride pretty easy through my regular route back home feeling great about myself.

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