
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Max Speed 26.7 MPH!

 Improved my max speed today.

Strava Stats

Distance: 1.8 mi
Elevation Gain: 95 ft
Moving Time: 0:10:39
Max Speed: 26.7 mi/hr
Avg Speed: 10.4 mi/hr
Calories: 67

I was suppose to just ride around the block a few times tonight to keep things safe, but I immediately got bored after only one round and headed straight up the next hill I saw. I definitely switched to low gear for that one WOW. I'm getting a better hang of when to switch and which lever to push, but I still get confused with the front derailleur levers and always switch low when I want to switch high or vice versa. Cars were zooming by relatively fast when I got to the T at the end of the road. I waited until I couldn't see any more and then turned left down the hill. I started switching gears and got to the max of the rear derailleur pretty quickly, so I went for the gear change with the front. Right when the lever clicked, the pedals started going super fast! I panicked and started pressing levers like crazy until the gears started to grab again. WHEW! Wasn't too scary, but I probably could have gone faster! The road was so unfamiliar and poorly lit though that it was probably a blessing in disguise that I didn't. Anyway, max Speed 26.7 MPH! lol

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