
Monday, November 19, 2012

Biking in Maui! or Not

I didn't get to do my usual riding this past Saturday and Sunday because I went to Maui for Michelle's niece's birthday. I thought of renting a bike, but I brought work with me, so I didn't think I would have been able to sneak in a ride worth the money.

We drove around a lot and I saw a good amount of bicycle lanes, but not a lot of people riding their bikes. I don't blame them though because the roads were just flat and straight through the suburbs of Kahului and the scenery got pretty boring quick. Not the, Wow!-I'm-about-to-get-a-top-speed flat and straight, but more of a, this-sucks flat and straight. I'd like to ride through one of Maui's highways though when I'm a little more pro. On our way to Hashimoto Persimmon Farm in Kula and I spotted a few cyclists on Haleakala Highway.

When we got back to Michelle's aunt's house, Michelle's nephew was riding his bike around the cul-de-sac.
I was bummed before we got to Maui because Michelle told me that no one in their family rode a bicycle. I needed to get my fix! I walked a few blocks over to him and his friends after seeing him put the bike down and asked him if I could ride it. He told me to ask his dad first, but I wasn't about to walk back to the house when there was a perfectly good transport in front of me, so I told him that he said yes already. Michelle's nephew said OK and I was off! lol
The last laugh was Karma's though because the first driveway I went up on to get on to the sidewalk had a big stream of water in the gutter. I rode the bike straight back to him with my shorts dripping wet :/ There are two lessons here; Get some fenders and tell the truth.

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