
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Biked to Work!

I finally biked to work today! 5.8 mile round-trip. I went through the Beretania Dip again, but I was on the sidewalk the whole time :/

Strava Stats

To Work
Distance: 2.8 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Moving Time: 0:14:58
Max Speed: 23.9 mi/hr
Avg Speed: 11.4 mi/hr
Calories: 67

Back Home
Distance: 3.0 mi
Elevation Gain: 41 ft
Moving Time: 0:18:10
Max Speed: 28.9 mi/hr
Avg Speed: 10.0 mi/hr
Calories: 90

I kept telling myself to take it easy so I wouldn't sweat and end up stinking the whole day, but I just couldn't help crank on the pedals, especially when the street was sloping down. Of course I got to work sweaty. Good thing I rode with what I slept in and just brought my work clothes in my backpack. I parked the bike in my cubicle right next to me and it was a big distraction. All i could think about was the ride back home and my co-workers would catch me just staring at the bike through out the day.

On my ride back, I had to bring home some work and I swear I had an extra 50 pounds in my backpack. It seemed to have helped me gain some momentum down a hill though because I hit my highest speed yet of 28.9 MPH! Felt great. At about 3-5 minutes from the apartment, I got caught in the rain and I stopped under the freeway for a little while. When the drops became smaller I pedalled as fast as I could back home. So other than fenders, I think I'm going to need to pack some plastic bags to cover my backpack. hmm...

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