
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Biked to Work! 3

Today was the first time I rode since I got back and each way was a different experience.

Strava Stats

To Work
Distance: 2.8 mi
Elevation Gain: 0 ft
Moving Time: 0:16:10
Max Speed: 28.7 mi/hr
Avg Speed: 10.4 mi/hr
Calories: 86

Back Home
Distance: 3.0 mi
Elevation Gain: 43 ft
Moving Time: 0:14:13
Max Speed: 33.6 mi/hr
Avg Speed: 12.5 mi/hr
Calories: 115

I usually get out before 6:45am, but I didn't head out today until about 7:30am. I took the reverse route of my previous ride from work to get to work today and it was a bad idea. Kinau Street has some really thin sidewalks and there were so many pedestrians, that I must have said excuse me at least 100 times! Kinau is a one-way street funneling the freeway along with a few other roads, so I'm sure the rush hour traffic didn't help me any. I think my next purchase should be a bell. On top of that, it felt like every stoplight I came upon stayed red for at least a minute each! The ride was not enjoyable at all :( I arrived at work 3 minutes before 8am. 4 more red lights and I would've been late!

I had to stay a little longer at work and the sun was already down when I decided to head back home. The timing ended up being perfect though because downtown Honolulu was not busy at all. I rode on King Street and had the left most lane all to myself for the whole time and it felt nice riding on one of the smooth main streets of downtown. I wish I could have ridden a little longer, but I had to turn left and go to Michelle's mom's house where they were waiting for me to eat dinner.

Michelle drove to her mom's place and for some reason, I had a feeling that she would want to race me back home after eating. We were maybe a mile away, and I had to go back on Kinau Street, which is not such a bad street going with the flow of traffic. Cars are parked close to the curb along the left and the right most lanes and they create makeshift bike lanes between the cars and the next lane over. I can usually maintain a 20-30 mph average while moving out of the way of fast moving vehicles. I had a chance of winning, but I had to stop at two crosswalks and to re-adjust my lock's bracket (The crank arms started hitting the bike lock). I don't even know when I tightened it last. When I got home, Michelle was already out of the car waiting for me.

2 more rides before I save that gallon of gas!

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